FALLSBURG – Fallsburg High School students Kathleen Houghtaling and Stephenie Canales won Grand Prizes at the 23rd Annual County-wide Alcohol, Tobacco, Gambling & Drug Abuse Poster Contest, for their posters in English and Spanish respectively. Ms. Houghtaling is a 10th grader and Ms. Canales is a 9th grader. The event was held on April 21 at the Government Center in Monticello.
In addition to beautifully framed copies of their award-winning posters, each student received additional professionally reproduced copies for distribution to family and friends, and for display in the Fallsburg Central School District. They also received $250 gift certificates from Wal-Mart.
First, second and third prize winners in the categories of Grades 1-4, 5-8 and 9-12 received $150, $75 and $50 gift certificates respectively.
The theme of this year’s event was: “I’m the Best Me; When Choosing To Be: Alcohol, Tobacco, Gambling and Drug Free.”
Catholic Charities Community Services of Orange and Sullivan organized the annual contest that attracts entrants from all eight Sullivan County school districts. Co-Sponsors for this year’s program were Susan and Stephen Miller, Merrell Benco Insurance Agency, Liberty Police Benevolent Association, Sullivan County Headstart, and Town of Fallsburg Community Coalition.
Honorary co-sponsors were the Sullivan County Legislature, represented by Chairman Luis Alvarez, who addressed the student entrants, their families, and dignitaries from Sullivan County schools and community.
Catholic Charities offered special thanks to the Kristt Company for their continued support, to the many students who participated, as well as to the school staff, parents, and all those who offered encouragement.