FCSD Acknowledges STAR Award Winners
FALLSBURG, April 2022 — The STAR Award stands for Staff/Teacher Award Recognition. The purpose of the FCSD STAR award is to recognize students and staff members who have gone above and beyond the call of duty and have made a difference in the life of someone else. At the Board of Education Meeting on March 16, the BOE honored one student and one staff member for this prestigious award. Staff member Sharon Olvera nominated kindergarten student Aubree VanWolde.
Just before Valentine’s Day, Aubree found a one-dollar bill by the kindergarten wing doors. She gave the money to Ms. Olvera, the Teacher’s Aide in her classroom. After an announcement over the school loudspeaker, the money was returned to its owner, another kindergarten child. The dollar was for her to purchase a special Valentine lollipop.
In presenting the STAR Award, Superintendent Dr. Ivan Katz thanked Aubree for always being willing to help her fellow students and teachers.
“This is just one example of how this special student makes a difference. She is a great example of a caring and helping young person. This act of kindness and caring made a difference in the life of another student and for that we are recognizing and honoring Aubree VanWolde this evening.”
Before the presentation, young Aubree, with her dad Kyle, entertained the staff in the hallway outside the Board Room with her wonderful vocabulary and her poise. In addition to her kindness, she is bright-eyed and adorable.
Next, Dr. Katz thanked BCES School Nurse, Ashley Herbert, for nominating staff member Sharon Olvera for a STAR Award, not for her role in Aubree’s award, but for her action to save a choking child in the school cafeteria.
Nurse Herbert reported that Ms. Olvera was present in the cafeteria when a child started choking. She “jumped into action and implemented the Heimlich maneuver. The student was able to clear the food and, after following up with mom a short time later, the student is home, happy and healthy after he was cleared by the doctor.
Dr. Katz acknowledged the teacher’s aide for her willingness to help her fellow students and teachers.
“She is a great example of grace under pressure and the Fallsburg Central School District is exceptionally proud of Ms. Sharon Olvera,” he said.
Ms. Olvera was unable to attend the ceremony. Principal Mary Kate Stinehour and teacher Dominick Scanna accepted the award for her. A few years ago, Mr. Scanna saved a choking student in the BCES cafeteria.