FCSD Honors Scholar Athletes
FALLSBURG, February 2022 — At the Board of Education meeting on January 12, Fallsburg Central School District Superintendent Ivan Katz introduced members from three fall sports teams as recipients of special honors from New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA).
Team awards went to girls’ varsity volleyball, boys’ cross country, and girls’ cross country. Also honored was Oldelmis Pavon Garcia as the girls’ tennis Division Champion.
Honorees that were present at the BOE meeting were four volleyball players: Ashley Ingrassia, Maya Ballard, Jordyn Wall-Carty, and Sierra Kaplan with their coach Amy Johnson. Tennis coach Janet Carey accompanied Ms. Garcia as she received the commemorative patch for her victory on the tennis courts. The boys’ cross country team Individual Scholar Athletes were Josie Galeas and Adam Mednick; girls’ cross country recipients were Ceci Mancia, Angelina Levner, Arianna Gonzalez, and Isabelle Batista. Danielle Halikias, cross country teams coach, was present to support the team.