From the Files of the Hurleyville Sentinel: April 2021


Compiled by Sullivan County Historian John Conway _____________________________________________________________________________________________
April 7, 1909
New Court House
The Board of Supervisors last week, by a vote of 11 to 3, adopted a resolution to build a new court house and jail to take the place of the one now rapidly going to decay. The court house problem has been a serious question for several years. The State Prison Department has repeatedly recommended more sanitary quarters for the prisoners and better facilities for handling them, but owing to the small building which has been in commission for about half a century, it was impossible to meet the demands of the Department. The walls of the old building began to crack and bulge and it became apparent that it was “up to” the county legislature to do something.
It is to the credit of the Board that it took a broad business view of the situation.
An architect was employed and when it was found that it was impossible to enlarge and repair the old building so as to have it meet the growing needs of the county, it was decided to erect a new and modern fireproof building, one that would be large enough for the years to come.
Under the present condition of the buildings our records are exposed to the danger of being destroyed by fire, while, when the new court house is erected, this danger is eliminated.
The Board has a plan by which no taxpayer will feel the cost of the building and the constant expense of patching up the old court house will be stopped.
The Board is to be congratulated on its foresight and wisdom in taking a broad view of the matter, and of every man will become familiar with the situation before expressing criticism of the Board’s action, as he should, no fault will be found by anyone with what has been done.

April 28, 1909
Contract for Building the New Court House Let
The contract for building the new court house at Monticello was awarded Saturday morning for $142,000 to Cantwell & Dempsey of Kingston, New York. It will be built of Ohio stone.

April 9, 1913
New School Recognized
Mr. B.F. Evans, Trustee of the Hurleyville school, has received the following letter from Frank H. Wood, Chief of the Inspection Division of the New York State Education Department regarding the new school: Dear Sir – I am pleased to advise you that Mr. Hall reports that the test and inspection of your new school building were entirely satisfactory.
The Test showed that the amount of fresh air received and the amount of foul air exhausted were in excess of requirements. The district is to be congratulated on the possession of such a good modern school building. Very truly yours, Frank H. Wood
Mud on Hilldale Road
Numerous complaints have been received at this office in regard to the condition of the Hilldale Road. It is stated that no less than five automobiles have been stuck in the mud at the Lehrich place during the past week.
There is probably little sympathy felt for the man with an automobile who gets stuck in the mud there, but those who have to travel this road daily are becoming very indignant. Residents of the Hilldale Road who answered the call last fall for volunteers to permanently repair the road near the four corners feel that those who did not turn out at that time should be willing to do just a little work on the road adjoining their property.

April 23, 1937
Town of Fallsburgh Established 111 Years
This month marks the 111th anniversary of the Town of Fallsburgh, according to time-yellowed records on file in the offices of Town Clerk Mortimer Michaels.
The Town of Fallsburgh was first established on Tuesday, April 4, 1826 at the first town meeting, held in a school house near Neversink Flats. An act had been passed the previous week to erect a new township from parts of the Towns of Thompson and Neversink.
At their first meeting, the few citizens present elected their entire board without dissension. Herman Hardenburgh was chosen Supervisor; Rachel Reading, Town Clerk; James Brown, John Crawford, and Cornelius Eller, Assessors; Harvey Ludington, Henry Misner, and John Eller, Commissioners of Highway; Elmarter Starr, Thomas Lawrence, and James Hill, Commissioners of Common Schools.