Compiled by Sullivan County Historian John Conway
June 16, 1909
Local and Personal News
Since moving, the Sentinel management has been laboring under difficulties. We have had several mishaps, such as breaking down of the power plant, etc., which badly crippled us for some time. We ask our readers to be patient and we hope to have everything in operation next week.
Local and Personal News
Leon’s Moving Picture Company has made arrangements with Mr. Lawrence to show in his hall one night every week through the summer, commencing on Thursday, June 17. The Leons will positively show only the latest and best pictures and songs that money can buy. Popular prices will be charged. There will be plenty of comfortable seats for everybody and a nice clean performance of which the management boasts. Don’t forget the date of the first show, Thursday evening, June 17.
June 23, 1909
Local and Personal News
Leon’s Moving Pictures Company gave their entertainment in Lawrence Casino last Thursday as advertised. The weather could not have been much worse, rain coming down in torrents, but a few of the brave ones came out and enjoyed a pleasant evening. The pictures were well planned and well selected. There will be an entire change of program next Thursday night, June 24, and the entertainment will take place as before, rain or shine.
June 30, 1909
Local and Personal News
We are informed the State Board of Health has notified the Hurleyville Creamery to remodel their buildings and not accept milk from farmers unless it stands at 50 degrees when presented at the creamery. This makes it nice for the farmer when the thermometer stands about 90 degrees in the shade and he has to drive about three miles to the creamery. It would look as though they would have to milk about midnight and bring it in while the moon is up. There are very few farmers who have made arrangements for ice for such a case and the result will be that many of them will stop taking milk to the creamery. The farmers say if the members of the board drank more milk they would be better off.
June 11, 1937
Graduation Program Next Week at Local School Auditorium
The Commencement exercises for the Hurleyville high School will be held on Saturday evening, June 19 at the Hurleyville high School. Miss Dorothy Osdoby will be the valedictorian, and Leo Salon the salutatorian. Other students to graduate include Ruth Frumovich, Gussie Deutsch, Alida Lounsbury, Evelyn Rapkin, Gertrude Mentnech, Nial Witherel, Burton Knapp, and Louis Wishinsky.
On the previous evening, Friday, June 18, the grade graduation will be held, with David Rofsky as valedictorian and Sidney Heller as salutatorian. Other graduating class members are Sylvia Cohen, James Knapp, Sarah Silberman, Natalie Konin of the Mitteer District, Bert Demerest, Fred Andresky, Shirley Shongut, John Kostiff, Bernard Porter, Blanche Pieros, Eddie Deutsch, and Viola Bonnell and Frieda Hollander, both of Loch Sheldrake.
June 18, 1937
News and Personal Notes
Mrs. George Lounsbury has returned to her home here after spending the past four weeks in the Robert Packer Hospital at Sayre, PA, where she submitted to a serious operation. Her present condition is said to be favorable.
Max Tennanbaum has opened a grocery and appetizer shop in the Kurland store for the summer months.
Miss Marjorie Prince has returned to Hurleyville for the summer where she plans to conduct a beauty shop at one of the local hotels.
June 25, 1937
Thirteen graduates of the Hurleyville High School received diplomas at the Commencement exercises held at the school auditorium on Saturday evening while on the previous evening fifteen diplomas were distributed to graduates of the grade school.
Leo Salon, salutatorian of the high school, enjoyed the distinction of winning four awards, the first for 100% excellence in Intermediate Algebra, a five dollar cash prize donated by Lazurus I. Levine for the highest mark in American History, another for being chosen the outstanding boy in the class, and the fourth, a prize donated by Philip Krukin, Monticello jeweler, for the highest Regents average.
Miss Dorothy Osdoby delivered the valedictory address.
William G. Birmingham, Liberty attorney and president of the Sullivan County Bar Association, was guest speaker. He stressed the value of the Constitution, and urged the graduates and the audience to cherish the freedom which they now possess.