by Jack Halchak, past chief HFD
The fire department has been meeting with The Center for Discovery and other emergency services organizations on an elopement plan. This plan is to address the possibility that a resident of The Center for Discovery walks away from the campus and gets lost, or just comes up missing. Typically, when the fire department is called for a lost person, one of the first steps is what is called a “modified type-one search.” In this type of search we would set up a fire truck and blow the siren to give the lost person a reference point to walk to. As simple as it sounds, it works. If that doesn’t get a result we escalate our search tactics.
These tactics will not work for a special needs person, therefore the development of the elopement plan. Once there is a plan on paper, a tabletop exercise can be conducted. If all goes well with the table top, a drill may be setup with all of the different agencies that would be involved in the search. We would go out into the field with manpower and equipment and execute the plan.
All of this careful planning requires the cooperation of many different agencies. We have already met a couple of times and are confident that a well thought out plan can be formulated. Working with all the different agencies is known as a “Unified Command.” By planning ahead, it allows us to be pro-active instead of reactive. The results can be a safer outcome to all involved.
Let’s not forget about the seventh annual Bill Carlson Golf Classic on Saturday, May 20th at the Tarry Brae golf course. Bill was an all-around good guy. He was a Past Chief of the Hurleyville Fire Department and worked at the Terry Brae golf course for many years. When he was Chief the fire department won its first “Blue Ribbon Trophy” at the Sullivan County Volunteer Firemen’s Association parade. He would set a mark for all of our Chiefs to follow (and they did). This tournament starts at 1:30 p.m. with a shotgun start. The $85 fee includes lunch and the awards banquet, green fee, cart, and cold drinks all day long. In addition to all of that, there is a closest-to-the-pin contest and a long-drive contest. We are looking for tee box sponsors and prizes for the raffle. If you would like to sign up, donate a prize, or need more information please call John Jaycox at (845) 866-6431.
Looking ahead the 16th Annual Morningside Fishing Classic is coming up in June. So mark your calendar for June 17. For more information, call Jack Halchak at (845) 436-5418.