Hamlet Happenings: April 2020


Watch for work dates! The members of Hurleyville-Sullivan First will soon need help to get gardens, planters and barrels ready for planting

Find information on Hurleyville-Sullivan First at www.hurleyvilleny.com or on Facebook.


The Hurleyville United Methodist Church is closed for the time being. Pastor Jorge is delivering sermons online at Zoom at 11:00am on Sundays.

You can pray with others over the phone on Sundays from 7:00pm – 8:00pm. The church’s prayer line phone number is 605-472-5491 and the access code is 251678.

The volunteers at the Bread of Life Food Pantry at the church distributed pre-made boxes of food to more than 65 families on March 19th. The pantry will re-open after the next delivery of food in April.

“MESSY CHURCH”, Bible study and the women’s group meetings are cancelled for now.

You can get updates from the church on its page on Facebook.


The Sullivan County Museum is closed for now.

The First Sunday Concert in April featuring the Dirty Stay Out Skifflers will be rescheduled.

All research requests have been placed on hold. Access to the historical society’s email account is not available at this time. Please contact Suzanne at scecil@hvc.rr.com if you have any questions.

Photos of the BOCES Elementary Student Art display have been posted on www.scnyhistory.org.

Go to www.scnyhistory.org for more information on the Sullivan County Historical Society and the Sullivan County Museum. You can also visit the Sullivan County Historical Society and Museum on Facebook.


The members of Columbia Hill Neighborhood Alliance continue to keep an eye on news about the proposed Gan Eden Estates project on Columbia Hill.

As reported last month, the developer of the project has to schedule a new site plan review with the Town of Thompson Planning board, submit a draft scoping document and plan a public information session.

Visit Columbia Hill Neighborhood Alliance at www.columbiahill.org or on Facebook to learn how you can help to protect your community.