By Elaine Corrington
April 2022
So many goals. So many “have-to’s”. Not even enough time to plan
out the most efficient ways to get everything on our lists done-and
making plans to make more lists to make sure that we can make do
with the time we have left at the end of the day, week, month, year or
lifetime ahead of us…stretching out in front of us like the Hurleyville
Rail Trail before time, the great wreck, cars, electric scooters, sneakers,
the internet, and the pandemic all rolled beyond our real or imagined
ability to use the time we had in the ways we needed or wanted. Was
the Hurleyville Great Train Wreck a metaphor for the future?
Temporary? Not yet. Annoying? Do you know even one person who is
thoroughly practicing and loving the limited options and the
interrupted solutions that used to be available to them? What are the
options that they had spent so much time organizing or trying to
organize for success with life choices?? Are they always doing the
RIGHT things instead of doing what they want? Were the people most
at ease the smart ones or the crazy ones? Is being weird normal? Is it
weird to want to laugh? Is it different, scary, fun, creative, boring or
helping others to? Do the limitations on who you can see, how often,
how closely, how safely, and how protectively does being weird assure
that you can’t be right?
There is a good chance you now have more time available to ponder
planning a right life as we move forward from here in whatever
direction wins out- but winter is coming to an end. Predictions about
the future are changing about the pandemic (in every way a person can
seem to imagine). Will distant relations aided by modern technology
win out over closer and more personal interactions? Will we listen to
ourselves more closely? Do we have the time NOW to contemplate
time and action in the future that allows us to succeed in being who we
think we want to be? Are we right to think we can work toward a
future others would “know” was a better choice than some of the
possibilities others have historically challenged themselves to
celebrate? That time bank account doesn’t have to be emptied with
time weird choices of no great value. Is this a decision that we can
make for ourselves…with plenty of time right now to make sure that
how we use our time- even in a pandemic- can be our choice. Will this
encourage arguments?
Or not. What to choose, what to choose. Who to be. How to get
there. It ain’t at all what it usta be…