SC Historical Society Seeking Volunteers: April 2021

For Museum in Hurleyville
by John Conway
HURLEYVILLE— The Sullivan County Historical Society is looking for a few good men—and women.
SCHS, headquartered at the Sullivan County Museum at 265 Main Street in Hurleyville, is seeking volunteers to help out with its newsletter, to create and maintain exhibits, perform general office work, such as filing and answering correspondence, and to help with various other aspects of the group’s activities.
SCHS is an all-volunteer organization dating back to 1886. It was formally incorporated in 1929. In recent years, however, the group’s contingent of dependable volunteers has been steadily declining, putting an added burden on those who are still active.
“For a number of reasons, the all-volunteer crew of the Society has been shrinking in terms of the number of folks volunteering,” Bill Gronwald, a member of the SCHS Board of Directors told The Sentinel. “Many key people have moved away, some have retired; and sadly, several important members have passed away. If anyone has any spare time, they should give us a call (best on Tuesdays) at 845-434-8044, or email us at: info@scny”
Mr. Gronwald says volunteers are also needed to assist in planning and facilitating the various history programs the Society hosts for the general public, and to assist Sharon Thorpe, who curates the group’s Costume Room “where the Society has a large collection of antique clothing and accessories. “
Although the Museum is currently closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is hoped that it will re-open during this summer. In the meantime, volunteers are working in the building one day a week.
While most of the work for which additional volunteers are needed occurs inside the Museum, there are also tasks to be performed outside for those who might prefer that kind of work, including watering and grooming the Museum’s gardens.
“We need your help!” Mr. Gronwald says.