by Jane Harrison
The sun is out (sometimes) and we have finally said goodbye to those pesky 30 degree nights! Welcome back to all our friends who are beginning to open their summer homes here.
For those of you who love the fresh produce grown locally, The Rock Hill Farmer’s Market kicks off their 2017 season at 10AM June 3 this year. There will be pony rides, a cooking demo by Majestic Farm and the music by our own Debbie Fisher.
The best place to be on Sunday mornings remains DeFillipi’s Bakery in Monticello. For those who don’t know, “Music Where You Least Expect It” has been so successful that the bakery remodeled just to accommodate it. So stop on by between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. or so for a sit down breakfast or just one of the specialty sweets (the cannoli donut is to die for), and sample the best musicians around. May 22 had Steve Schwartz from Steve’s Music on guitar and Kenny Windheim on bass with performances by David Samuel Bloch, Lee Karasik, Carmine Pace, Kenny Bowles, Joanna Ducher, Lenny (welcome back from Florida), Ed Holchek and Greg Batton. Antoinette was on hand adding harmony and Kenny ‘ABC’ brought in part of his drum kit for substance. Kudos to David Rosenberg for putting this all together.
There’s a really special night coming up Thursday July 6 with Joanna Gass and friends at the Brew in Rock Hill. It’s for the ASPCA. They do such good work and they need your support so come out and support all those furry faces that need your help or a home to go to.
We missed you David! David Bloch is back out among us again and we hope soon his lovely wife Julie will be joining him soon on the stage. A very talented photographer and equally talented Haiku-ist, I hope soon to a book of them (hint, hint). See David solo at the Rock Hill Farmer’s Market on Saturday, June 10.
Friday, June 9 will be the third open mic poetry reading at the Empowering Ellenville Center. Sponsored by C.A.P. (Calling All Poets) out of New Paltz, and hosted by Mike Jurkovic and Glenn Werner. Rules: 2 poems, 5 minutes. Suggested donation $2.
For June and July 1-6
Every Monday: Dutch’s Open Mic, 7 p.m., 205 Rock Hill Dr, Rock Hill
June 6 & June 20 (and maybe the 27): Another Odd Tuesday, with The Greater Sullivan Search and Rescue Orchestra, 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Brew, 280 Rock Hill Dr., Rock Hill
June 1 and July 6: Open Mic at the High Falls Café, 12 Stone Dock Rd., High Falls
July 6: Brew Joanna Gass and Friends for the A.S.P.C.A, Brew, 280 Rock Hill Dr., Rock Hill
Every Friday: Sorrella: Al Defino and Larry Ravdin, Jazz standards to dine by, 6 p.m. – 9 p.m., 3562 State Rte 55, Kauneonga Lake
June 9: Poetry Open Mic: Empowering Ellenville, 159 Canal Street, Ellenville
June 3: Open Mic/Home Grown: radio show with host Kevin McDaniel, WJFF 90.5FM
Every Saturday: Rock Hill Farmer’s Market: 10 a.m. -1 p.m., 223 Rock Hill Drive, Rock Hill (Music starts at 11)
June 3: Debbie Fisher
June 10: David Samuel Bloch
June 17: No music, but come by and see The Stump Devils Wood Carving demonstration
June 24: JB Jones
July 1: Bryan Gordon
Sorrella: Al Defino and Larry Ravdin, Jazz standards to dine by, 6 p.m. -9 p.m., 3562 State Rte 55, Kauneonga Lake
The Pickled Owl: 6 p.m. start, 218 Main St, Hurleyville
June 3: Campfire Jones and Sara Hulse (Rock, Bluegrass, Reggae)
June 10: The Acquaintances (Jazz to Rock variety)
June 17: Albi (acoustic variety)
June 24: Barry Scheinfeld (Jazz Trio)
Music Where You Least Expect it: 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., DeFillipis Bakery, 506 Broadway, Monticello
The Dancing Cat Saloon: #ShineOn, Jazz Brunch, 11 a.m. -2 p.m., 2037 State Rte 17B, Bethel
Until next time….