Legislator Appointed to NYSAC Board
Mr. Alvarez Represents Hurleyville
HURLEYVILLE, December 2021 – Sullivan County District Six Legislator Luis Alvarez has been appointed to the Board of the NYS Association of Counties (NYSAC), one of the most influential advocates for the State’s 62 counties.
District Six includes Hurleyville, as well as parts of the towns of Fallsburg and Liberty.
“NYSAC is proud of the work we do to support our member counties, which have been on the front lines of this coronavirus pandemic. While the worst is over, we still have much work to do,” said NYSAC Executive Director Stephen J. Acquario. “We appreciate Legislator Alvarez’s ability to serve, and his experience and perspective will be a valuable asset as we continue to address the critical issues facing counties across the state.”
Representing the State’s Third Judicial District, Legislator Alvarez joins 14 other board members, including NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, in helping guide NYSAC forward.
A longtime (now retired) Sheriff’s deputy and formerly chairman of the Sullivan County Legislature, Mr. Alvarez also maintains seats on multiple National Association of Counties (NACo) boards, including as Vice Chair of Medicaid and Indigent Care on NACo’s Health Steering Subcommittee, its Health Policy Steering Committee, Healthy Counties Initiative Advisory Board, Large Urban County Caucus Steering Committee, Programs and Services Standing Committee, Rural Action Caucus Steering Committee, Veterans and Military Services Committee, and Immigration Reform Task Force.
“It is an honor to serve with NYSAC, which has long been an indispensable advocate and supporter of Sullivan County,” Mr. Alvarez said. “I’m also glad to help guide NYSAC and NACo as we navigate through vital issues in Albany and Washington. I remain committed to my constituents as their legislator, but it’s important to recognize that we’re part of a larger system of government that constantly needs review and improvement.”
NYSAC represents New York counties and their taxpayers before Federal, State and Local officials on matters germane to county governments, and informs its membership and the public at large on issues of importance to counties. The Albany-based organization educates, trains and provides research on public policy to Federal, State and Local officials and to the membership on a variety of issues and hosted its 2019 conference in Sullivan County.