Fallsburg Retired Teachers and Staff Meet for Breakfast
FALLSBURG, October 2021– The Annual Breakfast Meeting of retired staff and teachers from FCSD resumed on September 9, 2021 after a one-year hiatus due to the pandemic. Host Eileen Kalter welcomed twenty-four people at the Liberty Diner. The original breakfast meeting dates back to 1984 when a group of retired teachers and staff met the morning before classes commenced for the new school year.
During the past two years, several retirees passed away, and Ms. Kalter asked for a moment of silence for Ruth Shursky, Joe LaRuffa, Bruce Rogers, Bob Longo, Pat Naso, and Paul Sherrington. She also had cards with good wishes for recovery to Mona Bogan and Arlene Hussey. Ruth Phillips announced that she had been in contact with Connie Stengel and her husband, who celebrated a 97th and 99th Birthday recently.
The attendees were: Richard Steiglitz, Margaret Coombe, Art Rosenshein, Richard Topper. Stan Levy, Judy Lucyk, Robin Pantel, Lou Ann Sheard, Aileen Halchak, Ed Park, Michele Denenberg, Steve Tollin, Denise Schlau, Jeanne Mueller, Eileen Kalter, Sue Krutman, Mark Spina, Ruth Phillips, Karen Billig, Ellyn Levy, Ellen Pavloff, Lynne Cawley, Sue and Leo Cecil.