Fallsburg Library
by Amanda Letohic and Kelly Wells
August 2021
And just like that it’s August and we’re winding down on summer reading and looking forward to the fall…where did summer go?
If you’ve missed out on our Page Turner Adventures so far this summer, no worries, as there is still time to hear Safari Stories the week of August 2, and learn about Creepy Crawlies the week of August 9. As with the earlier weeks of summer reading, a new story or craft video will be available to watch each day Monday-Friday, and you can view them at your own pace. Contact Miss Amanda at aletohic@rcls.org or call 845-436-6067 ext. 102 for more information on how to access the videos and to sign up – it really isn’t too late! This series is best suited for those in K-3 grades.
For kids and teens – if you’ve signed up for summer reading (or sign up before August 12), and you keep track of what you’ve been reading – you can just bring in your reading list to be entered into a raffle to finish out the summer! We know this summer has continued to be anything but normal, but we hope you’ve enjoyed the virtual programs offered and we are looking forward to returning to the in person summer reading programs you’ve grown to love next year. Thank you for your continued support and be sure to keep an eye out next month for our fall program announcements!
Please note that while we have mostly returned to business as usual for regular library business (checking in/out materials, using computers, faxing, etc.), face masks are still required to be worn by all individuals over the age of 2 years – regardless of vaccination status – while in the library.
Stay up to date with the latest library updates by following our Facebook page or visiting our website, www.fallsburglibrary.org. As always, thank you for continued support and patience. We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without your support. Be well!