Compiled by Sullivan County Historian John Conway _____________________________________________________________________________________________
August 9, 1916
A Close Call for Harris
Roy Harris, who is employed as a lineman by the Murray Electric Co., of Monticello, came very near leaving this little sphere one day last week. It seems that the Murray Company is running a new line from their power house to connect with the village of Fallsburg and Harris was stringing the wire on St. John Street. He was perched on a cross piece on top of a thirty foot pole in front of Geraghty’s garage, when he came in contact with a real line which is supposed to have carried 2,400 volts and the shock of the surprise at finding a real current in it so upset him that he lost his balance and fell to the ground. Fortunately he did not strike the sidewalk but landed on the sod beside it, as he weighs about 190 pounds and his chances would have been very slim indeed, but as it was, he sustained a dislocation of his right shoulder. Everyone admits that it takes considerable to shock Roy, but this was evidently too much for him. The accident must have happened in the morning for there is considerable more “juice” in the wire at Monticello, for it wouldn’t shock a chirping bird here after six o’clock.
August 23, 1916
Local and Personal Items
Last Friday night, Will Connolly was returning to Hurleyville alone in his Ford about half past eight o’clock when in front of Morgan Divine’s house he noticed a wagon about to turn into the road to Marvin LeRoy’s and pushed out his clutch and allowed the car to coast until past the rig. George Quick was walking toward Sheldrake and was on the side of the road. Connolly dropped the clutch in and started the car again and just then Quick stepped and turned half way around and before the car could go past him, he took a couple of steps directly in front of it. Connolly was running very slow and attempted to turn the car far enough out to avoid hitting him but the front hub cap struck his leg, breaking it below the knee. Connolly got out and placing him in the car hurried to Dr. DeKay’s office and summoned Dr. Laidlaw also. Upon examination it was found that he was suffering only from the broken limb and after this was set, he was removed to the home of his father, Adm. Quick. The accident was undoubtedly due to a nervous affection of Mr. Quick and he attaches no blame to anyone but himself.
August 23, 1916
Local and Personal Items
The wholesale price of gasoline in Ellenville last week was 22 cents. Why is it 23 this week here?
Midland Grange will meet this week Friday night in their new hall in Fred Lawrence’s building.
August 30, 1916
Local and Vicinity Notes
Now that the busy season is drawing to a close and the long winter nights are approaching we will begin to watch for the news from the neighboring towns each week in the Sentinel. This is the only paper printed in the town and every village in the town should be represented in its columns. Liven up your little village by sending in the little items of interest and thereby advertise the business in your vicinity – let people know there is such a place. But above all don’t forget that the place to advertise such a fact is in your home paper. If correspondents are out of stationary kindly notify us at once.
August 30, 1916
Local and Regional Items
It is rumored about town that the O&W will have to put on extra cars on Friday and Saturday to carry the many friends of the Columbia Minstrel Band who will be hurrying along from New York and Brooklyn to be on time for the greatest show in Sullivan County to be held at the Columbia on Saturday evening. Part of the Minstrel Band will arrive Friday evening. The old favorites Joe Higman, John Higman, Ed Quinn, Dan Farrell, Bill Harry and Ed Donnelly will arrive on the “scoot,” if they don’t be delayed at “Pepers.”
August 29, 1917
Suffragists Here Last Friday
Mrs. Grant and Miss Sara Walker of Tarrytown, accompanied by Mrs. C W Montgomery, district Assembly leader of the Suffrage Party of Sullivan County, were present at the meeting of the Red Cross, Friday afternoon of last week. Mrs. Grant and Miss Walker each gave a very interesting talk; Mrs. Grant on Suffrage and Miss Walker on Red Cross and White Cross work.
In the evening Miss Walker spoke on suffrage to a crowd near the post office. She pointed out to those present how existing evils could be improved if women could help with their votes; that they did not want men’s political appointments or take their work away from them, but only to improve existing conditions.