From the Files of the Hurleyville Sentinel: February 2022


Compiled by Sullivan County Historian John Conway

February 19, 1937

Airport for Sullivan is Otto Hillig’s Plea
Assemblyman Otto Hillig appeared before the Sullivan County board of Supervisors to urge progress on the proposed Sullivan County Airport. Pointing out that there is now no field in the county large enough any but small planes, Mr. Hillig said he thought a large port would benefit the territory in many ways and probably would be the means of increasing its visitors.
He said he, as a member of the aviation committee of the Assembly, would aid the county in any way possible. The landing field, however, is purely a county project under WPA. The federal government has approved the field, and WPA funds were reportedly set aside for it some time ago. Up to now, board members have complained that there is not enough labor available in the county to proceed with the project. It is understood that about 100 laborers would be required. A recent report on unemployment figures indicated there were between 150 and 200 men unemployed.
Hurleyville School Notes
The Senior operetta, entitled “Hansel and Gretel” is ready to be resented tonight, Friday, February 19, This affair is to be a very successful one as a large crowd is expected. The scenery for the play was cleverly constructed and painted by our very competent artist, Mrs. LaBagh. Mrs. Wood, who is in charge of the costumes, has done a remarkable job in this line. The musical selections, under the direction of Miss Horne, are beautifully sung, with the sweet voices of the children blending with the mature voices of the older children.
The story of Hansel and Gretel is illustrated perfectly and beautifully in this operetta, as it was produced at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City, only in miniature style.
Last Wednesday, the Hurleyville basketball team beat the Fallsburg team with a final score of 16-15. At the end of the first half, the score was 11-3 in favor of the Fallsburg boys, but the second half showed speed and rapid progress on the part of our team. Thursday evening, Hurleyville will meet Woodridge at the Woodridge school. The boys are making preparations and have been practicing hard for the Jeffersonville game this Tuesday evening at the Hurleyville school.
News and Personal Notes About Town
Shirley Todras returned home this week after a visit with relatives in New York.Her small nephew, Harold Halsby, returned with her for a vacation.
Misses Gail and Pearl Jacobson and brother Perk spent Sunday with relatives in New York.
Burton Knapp, after a month’s sojourn in Miami, Fla. With his parents, has returned to Hurleyville.
Mrs. Maxwell Pierce, principal of a school at Glenhead, L.I., visited relatives in Liberty over the weekend, and spent Wednesday here with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Durland. Mrs. Pierce, the former Grace Evans DeKay, is well known in this region.
February 26, 1937
Week-end Business Good, Hotel Managers Report
Hotels and boarding houses throughout the County reported unusually goo patronage for the Washington’s Birthday week-end. In spite of bad weather, hundreds came into the County by rail, bus and private car. Sunday’s heavy rains ruined skating and kept a majority of the visitors indoors during the entire stay. Hotelmen reported there had not been a comparable mid-winter week-end crowd during the recovery period.
Rain Damages Roads
Supervisors who visited the Courthouse Tuesday reported damage to town and county roads from mudslides and washouts as a result of the heavy rains over the week-end was almost as extensive as the usual spring damage.
Hurleyville School Notes
On Tuesday evening, the Jeffersonville basketball team met our varsity to play a very interesting and very close game. At the end of the first half, Hurleyville was in a five point lead and still were in that position at the close of the third quarter. The final quarter saw some well-directed long distance shots on the Jeffersonville team and with the aid of a few free throws, tied the score at 14-all. The game ended in a draw, so an overtime period was played. In this last heat, the Jeffersonians won the game by three points. Fine playing and good sportsmanship was displayed by both teams.
County Seat’s Checker Team is Victorious
The checker players of the County Seat are jubilant over the twenty-one point victory last Tuesday night by a ten man team of Monticello players over the best players of White Lake. Captained by Foster Little, the Monticello team piled up a total of seventy-six points to White Lake’s fifty-five after a session of several hours at Steve Harris’ roadstand in White Lake.