From the Firehouse: January 2022

From the Firehouse
by Jack Halchak, Past Chief HFD
January 2022

The Hurleyville Fire Department is always looking for help, to fight fire or support those that do. We even supply all the gear and provide all of the training needed, for free. Stop by any Monday night and find out how you can help.
Our annual elections were held in December, and these are the officers for 2022:

Chief – Charlie Payne
1st Assistant Chief – Fred Froehlich
2nd Assistant Chief – Tony Harvey
Captain – Alan Price
1st Lieutenant – Pete Micheletti III
2nd Lieutenant – Michael, Spinelli
Captain of the Fire Police- Eddie Ayala

President – Jim Kaufman
Vice President- Miranda Behan
Treasurer- John Jaycox
Secretary- Erica Payne
Officer at Large- Roger Dainack

Congratulations to all the newly elected officers.
Not much has changed in a year. Our firehouse is still closed to non-emergency service personnel. We are still conducting our monthly meetings and having our drill nights.
I have often lectured, scolded, begged you to get and maintain working CO detectors. From reports that I am seeing it looks like the family of seven in Minnesota may have died from CO poisoning. At press time the authorities are looking at two possible sources, the furnace and the car in the garage. They did find a CO detector in the house with the batteries removed.
Maybe by the time you are reading this we may have some snow on the ground. As a reminder to the snow removal people, snowplowers, etc. PLEASE DO NOT bury fire hydrants while plowing driveways. Needless to say, you can affect the water supply for a fire. If you are capable when digging your walkways out how about cleaning out around the hydrant in front of your house.
Cold weather hopefully will show up soon. The Hurleyville Fire Department in cooperation with the Town of Fallsburg Youth Commission will be holding their 34th Annual Ice Fishing Contest, Saturday, February 12, 2022. The contest will take place on Morningside Lake, 614 Brickman Road in Hurleyville from 7 a.m. – 3 p.m. Registration will take place the day of the contest at the lake. Registration is $5.00 for adults and free for those 15 and under. Refreshments and bait will be available. We will also drill holes for you, if needed.
There will be an adult and youth division with trophies for first, second and third in the following categories: PERCH, PAN FISH, BULLHEAD, WALLEYE AND PICKEREL. All fish must be legally caught and of legal size.
There is also a special Firemen’s Contest. The RICH FARQUHAR MEMORIAL CHIEF’S CUP, goes to the top firemen’s fishing team. A team can be one, ten or as many that shows up. All team members MUST belong to the same fire department. As in the past, the cup is passed from year to year to the winning team. There is also a first, second and third place team trophy in the fireman’s contest.
More info and up to date info can be found on my Facebook page, J.W.Halchak
Hope to see you there.