by Kathleen Sullivan
July 2021
Lots of new plants and colorful flowers have been added to the barrels on Main Street and in the planters at the entrances to Hurleyville and at the Hurleyville Firehouse.
The planters and barrels need to be weeded and watered regularly. Send an email to izzysaunt@verizon.net if you’re interested in helping out.
The signs at the entrances to Hurleyville and at the entrance to the Rail Trail will be repainted this summer. The historical kiosk at the Hurleyville Firemen’s Park is getting some needed repairs and maintenance. Weather-proof cabinets are being created for the Little Library at the Hurleyville Firemen’s Park.
Please visit www.hurleyvilleny.com for more information about Hurleyville-Sullivan First. You can also visit Hurleyville-Sullivan First on Facebook.
Sunday services at the Hurleyville United Methodist Church begin at 9 a.m. Fully vaccinated churchgoers do not have to wear a mask in the church.
Pastor Jorge is delivering sermons online on Facebook at 11 a.m. on Sundays.
You can pray with others over the phone on the church’s prayer line on Sundays from 7 – 8 p.m. The prayer line phone number is 605-472-5491 and the access code is 251678.
The Bible study group meets in the sanctuary at the church every Tuesday at 7 p.m.
Pre-made boxes of food, personal hygiene products, and COVID-19 supplies are still being distributed outdoors at the Bread of Life Food Pantry. The food pantry will be open on Thursday, July 22, and on Thursday, July 29 from 3 until 5 p.m.
The volunteers at the church are working on a plan to reopen the food pantry indoors soon.
“MESSY CHURCH”, Youth Group meetings and the women’s group meetings are cancelled for now.
Please call Katrina at 845-436-7942 for more information. You can also get updates from the church’s page on Facebook.
The Sullivan County Museum is still not open for in-person visits.
Volunteers at the museum work on a variety of tasks including research, creating displays, managing the vintage clothing collection and gardening. Anyone interested in genealogy and the history of life in Sullivan County can send an email to info@scnyhistory.org for information on volunteering.
Go to www.scnyhistory.org for more information on the Sullivan County Historical Society and the Sullivan County Museum. You can also visit the Sullivan County Historical Society and Museum on Facebook.
The CHNA steering committee held its first in-person meeting after months of ZOOM meetings. The monthly meetings enable members to share information and discuss strategy in preparation for when the Gan Eden Estates project appears on the agenda of the Town of Thompson Planning Board again.
The developer of Gan Eden Estates hasn’t yet submitted a new DEIS (Draft Environmental Impact Statement) to the Town of Thompson Planning Board for public review and comment.
The developer submitted an application to the Delaware River Basin Commission in 2017 for a groundwater withdrawal project to supply a proposed public water supply system. The application has been in pending status for more than 1,500 days.
Visit CHNA at www.columbiahill.org and on Facebook to learn how you can help to protect your environment and your community by demanding sustainable development.
PHOTO CAPTION: Volunteers from Hurleyville-Sullivan First
added plants and flowers to the barrels on Main Street and the planters at the entrances to Hurleyville and the Hurleyville Firehouse.